So for this reason, My T13 is things that I am looking forward to.
1. Saturday at the Pumpkin Patch with all the cousins
2. The Surprise. I'll share on Monday, but no it has nothing to do with me.
3. Celebrating Aaron's 4th birthday next week
4. Field Trips in the next two weeks. Going with Noah's class to go rake leaves for an elderly family and going to set up a pumpkin patch at Aaron's school for them to pick a pumpkin.
5. Halloween Night. We are going to try something different this year and take the kids to a party at local mall instead of trick or treating. I think it will be a much better choice for our boys.
6. Presidential election. I just want it over so we can stop all the bickering and we can find out which of the two, not really a great choice to be president, candidates will be trying to put our country back together
7. Sonatina Festival in November in which I have three students competing
8. Painting the living room and hallway in November to give it the same much needed makeover that the kitchen received.
9. Black Friday shopping with Deb (and maybe Jenny?). Even though I won't be buying much for the boys this year, it's still the experience of getting up before the roosters and being part of the mania.
10. Christmas Vacation. Two weeks of fun with the kids without the possibility of upsetting anyone (hopefully).
11. December 21st. Two biggies. The Christmas all music service which I really just need to be done and our 12th wedding anniversary which we probably won't get a chance to celebrate this year BECAUSE of the music service.
12. Christmas Eve and Day. Possibly two days in a row with Steve home with us all day and being together. I don't know when the last time that happened was.
13. Disney World in March. No explanation necessary.

What a great spin and I hope it all works out for you. I look forward to Black Friday shopping and Christmas and Christmas eve too. I never see my husband during the week so two extra days will be so nice.
I'm looking forward to Black Friday too. Other than that, I think your list of things to look forward to is longer than mine. Yuck. Although - getting the basement done (finally) so we can use it again is at the top of mine. It'll get there - eventually. :)
I'm doing black friday this year for the first time! We just got back from Disney and had a great time!!
Happy TT and sending a little love your way. xoxo
It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to!
I hope everything is going o.k. today and that you are having a better day...
sounds like you guys are going to be busy the next few months....have fun enjoying those boys!
I'm glad you are able to find some things that can cheer you up!
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