Debbie over at Three Weddings has bestowed this lovely award upon me. I have really enjoyed conversing with her. She is such an inspiration in how she approaches her personal convictions in rallying for a fair world for

I'd like to pass it on to Jennifer . I have enjoyed getting to know her better and look forward to her email updates. I also want to pass it on to Beth at Loves Flowers. She is new blogger and I hope others will go to her site to greet her and meet her adorable boys.
I also received TWO awards from award Michelle at In The Life Of A Child. She is another amazing woman who keeps a positive outlook on the struggles she has with her beautiful daughter. Her blog is fun to read because of the bond that is very evident between her, her hubby, and son and daughter.

I think this may the cutest award I have seen and I am honored to have received it.
She also shared this one

It is beautiful and I feel the exact same about her as well.
And Summer over at Summer's Nook also honored me a few days ago. I feel terribly guilty that I didn't acknowledge this one sooner.

I think every woman on my Reader deserves this one. You are all amazing women with wonderful stories that I am honored that you share with us each day.

Congrats on all the awards!
Congrats on the awards!
Hey, did you see the one I gave you a couple days ago?
Congrats on the awards! :)
Congrats, Kristi - You earned every single one of them :)
Congrats, Kristi! I love receiving bloggy awards! :)
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