Mystery Plant Week 2
Last week, I got a ton of response over my mystery plant. The overwhelming consensus was to leave it alone.
I think that is good advice. Margerie at Margerie's Blog suggested that I post it each week to show the progress. I thought that was a fun idea so here it is on week 2. I don't think it looks much different other than I did trim down the twigs a little bit. I think the greenery may be a little higher.There were also a few questions about how dark the soil was. It was plant
ed in topsoil and I got one of those plant fabrics to cover around it because the weeds in those beds last year were out of control. I covered the fabric with a little more topsoil just to hold it down. I am trying to decided if I want to put mulch or something else. I have had conflicting reports about mulch. Any ideas?
Another follow-up: Yesterday's post about the devotional. I got several emails asking what book I use. Like I said before, I love this book. there are three sets,
2-5 year olds, 6-9 year olds, and or pre teens. They have separate ones aimed at boys or girls. And they have two in each age level. I got it at the Family Christian stores a good two years ago when we started praying with Noah. I think he is ready to move up a set but since Aaron is still in the first one, we are repeating it the third time around. They are all spiral bound, which is why I think it has lasted the test of time.Each day starts with a verse, followed by a story, followed by three questions about the story and then a prayer. I have always used the prayer as an echo. The second page is a fun activity. We have done a lot of these activities and Noah really enjoys them.Have a great Tuesday.
Thanks for showing the book. I'll have to check out the one for little girls!
Off topic...I'm tagging you! You don't have to play along, but if you're interested just come on over to my place for the details!
I'm glad you posted the information about the book; I am having a hard time finding this type of thing for young kids that I think they will really 'get'. Family Christian Stores, here I come. Well, maybe I'll wait until they send out another coupon :)
Looks like a great book. I might have to check that out for my grandsons...
By the way, I love the way your blog looks!
What a great idea! It will be so fun to watch your plant grow. I have got to get some gardening done. My poor beds are drowning in leaves and old growth. I'm not a good gardener. I'm hoping this year to have more time and get the beds back in shape. They were beautiful when I moved in, but 5 years of neglect have taken their toll. The previous owners would be horrified!
Thanks for the book. I'm going to go get those. I've never found any I liked very much.
I need the one for girls, but thanks for showing us what it is.
Looks like a really neat book.
You'll have to keep showing the plant as it grows so we can all see what it looks like.
I tagged you, come to my blog to see what the tag is all about.
Hey Kristi, I wound up heading to our Christian book store and found several new bibles meant for younger kids. THe one I got is The Adventure Bible. It's for kids 8-12. They also had one for 6-12 with pictures, but I felt like we were ready for the older one. Thanks though for posting the devotional book I still need to look for that. They had the one for girls, but not the one for boys.
I would race you on the stick-plant-growth contest, but you already have me beat! I still just have sticks with a few weeds thrown in.
That looks like a great book. My two boys have lots of questions! Does it say what God's bed looks like? LOL, one boy wants to make sure it is big enough for Jakie, our cat we had to put down last year.
Awesome that you are going to show us the plant! It IS a hydrangea!
I say MULCH!!
Thank you for the info on the devotional book!!
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