While waiting for time to go, Steve became ADDICTED to a game on WebKinz.
The congregation was about a quarter of the usual size because pretty much the entire town of Ada goes to Florida or Colorado for Spring Break.
Noah's' Sunday School class was mixed with Aaron's and there were 13 kids. The teacher had planned beading and three year olds just weren't going to cut it. So I stayed in the room and helped with ironing. We ended up with four teachers in there for crowd control and I think it was actually fun.
Afterward, we headed to a park for lunch and playing.
When we got home, yet more bike riding, tree climbing,
and playing with the neighbor kids.
Steve wanted to do the first cookout of the season and he also cleaned out the fire pit because Steve wanted to roast marshmallows.
Lots of discussion on the car front. We really are torn at what to do now that BOTH cars are a mess. We have to make a decision and we really don't have a clue. We heard the gamut of ideas at church yesterday, so now we just have to figure out the best solution for us. We don't want to make a hasty decision this time...just the right one.
Noah said yesterday "Mommy, why can't we be on Spring Break, too and do fun things." How do I tell him we're stuck simply because our cars don't work? Hopefully we can get some of this figured out today and then we will have a fun day at the zoo tomorrow with my sister and her kids.
While we were outside and I was raking, the boys noticed the bulbs that I planted last fall are turning into something pretty. Both of them wanted to use their spray toys to water them.
I found this cool toy at Target for the boys. Noah likes it because it "looks like Saturn." Both of the boys love playing ball and frisbee, but neither one can catch a regular one. This silly thing was less than $5 and both of them can catch it and Noah is somewhat good at throwing it (like a frisbee). We actually played for a LONG time with it and Steve had fun chasing it down the street. It was the most fun I have ever had playing ball with the boys. Probably because everyone could actually play with it.
It was a beautiful weekend to be outside. I think it's supposed to continue most of the week.
Have a great Monday.
I hope you get your car situation figured out soon. It looks like you guys are having a wonderful spring break so far.
I know it's hard not to get to have some of the planned fun during Spring Break because of the cars, but summer is almost here! Hang in there! Things have to get better. Right?
I happy to see that I'm no the only one who gets caught up in something that slows you down on the way to church! I was busy folding laundry and watching a nature show, Then I looked at the clock...yikes, we were a little late- but it was still a good time at church!
I do hope this car stuff gets a good solution soon!
You seem really positive, keep it up! There is an answer--wright?right!
I'm glad you guys had a fun day outside even with the car mess to think about! We spent most of it outside too (will post later).
I hope you can get everything figured out with the cars and still be able to do the fun things you had planned.
Looked like a fun day...
It was great talking to you yesterday...though I don't know why our call got dropped..sorry about that...Keep in touch and great to see that you had a great day!
glad to see that at least someone is having good weather :)
Looks like you're having loads of during your Spring break, despite your car problems! What a great day...hope your day at the zoo tomorrow goes just as well!
Hey. How was the zoo...what a bummer about the car but what fun you guys got to have a cookout! It was 80 degrees here today but is suppose to rain AGAIN tomorrow. Do the boys like camping? We camp out in the living room when we can't think of anything fun/cheap to do! Hope all is well.
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