I told you yesterday that this weekend turned into MAJOR home repairs. It all started with the craft closet. And it's ALL DEB'S FAULT!!! :)
While the boys and I were over there last week, Deb said to me, "I was going to ask you how you organize your craft stuff because ours is a mess." It forced me to actually think about the state of our craft closet:
Here's what she didn't know...
and on top
UGH! All of you who were so impressed at the beginning of the summer with all of the crafty things we did and I posted about....this was the result of all the fun.
So Friday night while Deb and I were out at Lowe's, we saw some great deals of different kind of storage stuff that you see at the regular stores (Target, Meijer, etc.) and I got a great set of 10 pieces. So Saturday morning, I got motivated.
Does anyone else make a bigger mess when they organize than there was in the beginning?
So I started putting stuff on the table to get a clean slate
But after the table was completely filled, I still had a cabinet full of stuff,.
So then I put all of the empty containers on the floor and started sorting craft items by type
Pumpkin felt it was very important to help by EATING some of the supplies so I wouldn't have to find a place for them
After about two hours and warding the kids out of the kitchen about a millions times (they were so excited to see ALL of the craft stuff out), this is the final product.
There's even space left for more stuff.
I couldn't just stop...
The top of the dishwasher
No, I'm not a complete slob. Life just kind of took over for the last couple of weeks and I have been slipping in my household duties. There has been a lot of discussion in our household over the last few weeks lately about what I could do to bring in extra money in the mornings while Aaron is at preschool 4 mornings a week and Noah is at school all day every day. I would have thought that Steve would be the one pushing for me to find something. He surprised me yet again though (I love that guy) and said that he would rather have me be able to spend the time finally getting this house under control. Every room in our house has had a half-baked improvement project started and left to be finished over the years. This is the time to finish them. The list is growing so stay tuned for a very active Tackle It Tuesday for at least the next few months. It should be very entertaining.
But for now, anyone want to take bets on how long the craft cabinet STAYS clean?
I am VERY impressed!
I'm impressed too! That's a big transformation! It feels sooo good to get things organized, doesn't it? Good job!
If it's like our house, not long. I am impressed though. I need to do this stuff to our house so bad and I dread it. I'll get to it in the next couple of weeks.
It really does look great. I hope it can stay that way awhile for your sake. That was a lot of work!
This looks awesome!!! Great job!
See, I knew I could learn from seeing you organize your stuff! :) So the big paper did fit in that plastic bin? Everything looks great!
Want to come over and do mine now? Just kidding... ;)
Well now I'm inspired, my craft closet looks like that (the before picture) and my kids just rummage around looking for stuff. It's awful.
That's very cool about your husband, too :)
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