So here it goes:
5. Garage Sale on Friday...Five kids unsupervised for 6 hours...water in puddles in every room of my house... lemonade stand with over enthusiastic sellers...enough money to go out for dinner.
4. Saturday afternoon in Canadian Lakes with grandparents and Cousins...cheering swimming for Micheal on the boat...root beer floats...more swimming in the lake
3. Beautiful Sunday Morning...hooky from church (for the first time in EONS)...Noah begging to weed around the plants...mommy and daddy edging along the sidewalk for the first time all summer..Noah having his experience with "running away (story to follow later).
4. Cat vs. Kitten...they're starting to get along...and play...and meow for each other when separated...and still tol
5. Sunday afternoon at John Ball Zoo...duel membership saved $26...seeing the lions...face painting...lions and goats and apes, Oh My!
What were your Top Five?
Looks like you guys had a fun but busy weekend! Thanks for sharing! How did the kids make out in the sale? Did you and Deb get rid of a lot of stuff?
You and I had garage sales in the same weekend. The lemonade stand is precious. My top 5 would be...1.Friday night getting garage sale stuff priced.2.Saturday morning doing the sale. 3. Picking up my grand-daughter, Abby to babysit for the afternoon and evening...having a ball with her. 4. Sunday morning, spending time with hubby, re-cuperating from Saturday. 5. Sunday night finishing up housework and reading blogs.
Sounds like the rest of the weekend was busy but fun! :)
What a busy family!
I want to hear about this running away!
This is a great list!! It sounds like you had a fun and exciting weekend!
I had my sisters 3 kids all weekend so it was chaos here.
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