I will try to post a regular entry later but I just have to say, my week #1 weigh in this morning was a happy one...down 4 LBS. I know from experience that each week won't be huge like this but it tells me I'm on the right track. I have done very well with my calorie counting although last night dinner at church made things very difficult. I saved most of the day though and just too very small helpings of everything. I split a TINY brownie with AA for dessert and the funny thing was I didn't even crave all the cupcakes that were up there. My husband has been very supportive which is a good thing because I know I couldn't do this all on my own. I will be turning in my application for assistance at the Y tomorrow after I get my pay check stub from the music store. I really hope they see us as good candidates.
My mother-in-law is interested in joining me in this quest so I need to get the courage to reveal my scale number to her. When it is all said and done, I hope to post a picture of the two of us in our new Chadwick's outfits. :)
IN other news, Noah has had two yellow days in school in a row and I am getting frustrated again. He hasn't had a yellow the entire month of February and hasn't had two in a row since October. I asked the teacher to step up her standards and be harder on him so that he could get ready for first grade so I know that's why but I still also know that he can avoid being disruptive in class when he wants to. His conference is next Thursday so I know I'll have a better handle on things then. We will definitely finish out this year in his current class and I have a working plan for 2nd grade in place but I am back to contemplating homeschooling for just first grade. He will be taking choir at church and Tae Kwon Do at a local studio so I don't worry about the extras and he has already read through the entire first two sets of BOB Books and we are starting on the third (which are considerably harder I must say). I haven't made a decision yet. I am hoping that Tae Kwon Do will help but unfortunately I can't afford to start him until the "rebate" comes and I don't know how long I'll be able to keep him in before the funds run out.
So my little post about this morning's weight loss has turned into a vent, once again. That seems to keep happening. Shame on me.
Oh well, I think I should end this entry on a happy note so I'll share the newest use for my
trampoline last week...a great place to spill
ALL of the little legos to see what they want to use. Guess how long it took to clean up these little suckers?
We're supposed to get yet another snow slam tonight...Is it Spring yet?
Happy Thursday.
I keep asking if it's spring yet too. Congrats on the weight loss and I hope you reach your goals. You can do it!
WOW congrats not only on your 50th post but also the weight loss.. That is great.. Now i need a kick in the pants to get started before spring is here and I have to put on the warm weather cloths.. YICKES..
They are calling for more snow for us also.. bring on spring. ONLY it snows in spring here too LOL.
I wonder if part of Noah's problem might be the weather - I think everyone's just so tired of winter and ready for spring and warm weather...
Congrats on the loss - that's awesome! :)
Hopefully the snow won't be too bad tonight - we're finally heading down to Mary's tomorrow. Do you want me to take the gift down for you?
Legos are great...but they differently come with a high clean-up cost :)
Congrats on the weight loss, that's a great first week!
Ditto on the congrats!!
I'm on the same page, at least trying to go in the same direction...I guess it would be helpful if I would weigh myself so I could see if I'm making progress.
yay for the weight loss! congratulations!
My friend Rebecca showed me that I could spread a giant sheet out on the floor and dump the Legos on it. Then when we're done, I just pick up the four corners of the sheet and empty the whole thing back into the Lego box. Voila! Quick and easy Lego cleanup.
James had trouble in kindergarten last year. He finally caught up with the rest of the class in the spring. Then he had trouble in first grade this fall. Rather than waiting for him to catch up in the spring, and then have trouble in second grade and catch up in the spring and so on, at Christmas break a couple of months ago, we put James back in kindergarten. He is doing so much better. He never has any behavior trouble at all. We realized the reason last year was so hard is because he was supposed to be in a 4s preschool class (even though he was 5 last year). It turned out he was just really young for his grade. Even though he turned 5 a month before September 1 and was therefore techincally old enough for kindergarten, most of the rest of his class turned 6 in September and October, so he was nearly a year younger than the rest of the kindergarteners. No one ever told me you're supposed to wait a year for boys with summer birthdays.
Last year, when James had strings of yellow days in a row, we did an incentive program at home. If he stayed on green all day at school, then at home he got a treat and a sticker on his chart. After he got 10 stickers on his chart, he got a toy he'd been wanting.
This year in kindergarten, he's developmentally able to stay on green all the time.
I continue to be intrigued by our many similarities. :-)
Congrats on the weight loss.
That would be great if your mother-in-law joined you in this weight loss program, I always said it's easier if you have a bubby.
Congrats on losing 4 lbs. Sounds like you are determined. My sister and I are support for one another. I blog about our weekly weigh ins. Everyone needs a support system. Don't be afraid of that scale...I use to be, but I have to show Mr.Scale that I am brave enough to get on and the numbers are gong down...Keep up the hard, good work...Thin feels better than that cupcake or extra brownie.
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