Now you must know....I NEVER win anything. I was the kid in school that never won Math Bingo or any drawings in my life. My husband, by contrast, won a stocking bigger than himself filled with toys and candy in his hometown when he was about eight. He is the lucky one.
So after spending, again, WAY too much time entering for all kinds of things and then checking a lot after the week was over, I was SHOCKED to find I'd actually won something.
Juliana at A Daisy A Day gave a away a gift card to Coldstone Creamery (yum) and I actually won! She emailed me for my info and I was so excited.
I really didn't think much of it until a few days later, when she responded to one of my blogs apologizing for not getting my card out sooner and linking back to this entry on her blog. It was an entire entry about how much stress my little gift card had caused her. It was quite an amusing post but I also felt bad that she had worked so hard.
So a few days ago, a small envelope arrived in the mail. Not only did it have the gift card, but also 5 handmade note cards that she had added to my package just for a little extra. Isn't that sweet? I was so honored that she thought to add a little something. Here is a picture of what I received.
I had to laugh that it arrived the day I professed my diet to begin on my blog.
So I figured, why not share the wealth. It was not going to be enough to take out my whole brood of boys so I continued to think. Deb over at Mom of 3 Girls and I were going out every Friday night for awhile just to get some "girl time" and we hadn't been out for awhile. Plus, I never would have started blogging had she not sparked the interest...a perfect reason to share the card with her.
So last night after kids went to bed, we went. I spent quite a bit of time online earlier in the day researching which items on the menu were lowest calorie and ate accordingly all day to plan for it. I think that's the thing about this weight control all depends on planning. It's when I don't plan and eat on a whim that it all goes out the window.
So we had a fun night out of ice cream, Target shopping for Easter presents (and a VERY rude cashier....I may expand on that another time...this is too happy of a post for that), and then back to my house for more bloggy tutoring and then we ended up talking to my husband in the living room until after midnight.
All in all, I'd say a good night out, all because of the Great Bloggy Giveaway Carnival. So maybe my luck has changed, maybe not. But I know that good luck was not just because of a yummy gift card, but also because it gave me yet another chance to connect with a friend.
Hey, congrats! That sounds like a really fun night! I might start entering those contests now!
It's so fun to win things, and even better to share the things you love with a friend!
I realized after I got home that I never did thank you for taking me out for ice cream. So - thank you!! :)
And also - I haven't had that much fun, just sitting and talking in a long time. We need to do that more often!
I'm so glad you had a nice time out with a friend! There's no better way to spend a gift card, yes? And what timing. LOL. My honey started a diet the day my coupon for a free birthday treat from Coldstone came in my email. You get a free Love It size if you sign up on their website. Check it out!
Thank you for the nice things you said...I'm glad we "met"!
Sounds like a super fun night! Congrats on your win!
Congrats on your win. It sounds like a lot of fun and Cold Stone is so good. It is the devil in dieting though. Good for you for planning.
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