We did have fun though.
The kids got balloon wands. The balloon guy reached over and signed Noah's cast before we knew what was happening and he signed it "ballon guy" Complete with his career likelihood MISSPELLED. Kind of funny.
Steve LOVED holding the balloons whil
The kids also made a snowman thermometer craft
Got their faces painted
Saw many pretty impressive snow sculptures.
We also went on a horse ride but I'm saving that picture for next Friday.
When we got back to Steve's parents' house, the kids were ready to play. I spent some time time sharing my recent blog entries and conversed with Steve's Dad about how to make movies on his digital camera while Noah played games on the new laptop.
While all this was going on, I guess none of us noticed that we hadn't heard from AA in awhile. When he was finally discovered, he had not only "flowered" in his underwear, but had also discovered some very pretty nail polish. He knew he had gotten busted BIG TIME! Don't his nails look lovely?
So now we had a shark on one cheek from the carnival and a beautiful line of nail polish on the other.
We had a fun ride on papa's tractor before we had to head home so Daddy could go sing at a restaurant.
I'd say we fit a lot in for a quick trip up North. We are getting an "arctic blast" as I write this according to the weather forecasters so I'm glad we got outside today. Tomorrow we have forecast wind chills of -10 to -20 degrees. How's that Florida heat, Dad?
Have great Sunday.
What a fun day! Hooray!
Looks like you guys really had fun! I love the pictures, especially the nail polish on the face. Odin and Kira must have been feeling the same vibe as they both colored themselves with markers on their face down to their legs. Stay warm tomorrow.
No new addition that I know of but it would be nice if it happened this year! We are very fond of our old au pair she is goign to come visit us this this summer form New Zealand
lol Very funny how the guy misspelled
Sounds like such a fun family day
All that in one day?! Sounds like a great Saturday!
That sounds like a great day! We didn't do much other than go to the library and Ron took the big girls to a movie while Becca and I hung out at the mall. Today we skipped church (brrrrr) and had a 'pajama' day at home since it was too darn cold to go anywhere... :)
It sounds like you had a wonderful day together as a family! It looks like a lot of fun. The snow sculptures are amazing!
Looks like fun! Those days are my favorites! Lovin' the nailpolish by the way! :)
Kristi- (and everyone else)
Check out a World One War blog at:
They are posting letters sent home on the exact day, 90 years later. It is really interesting...enjoy!
Sounds like so much fun - and the nail polish thing is too funny! ;) And -10 or -20 sounds pretty cold for Florida!! Here it has been -50 (celcius) with the windchill for the past few days - I can't WAIT for summer!!!
Looks like fun! And I'm super jealous of the snow!
Actually, we are in Michigan. my parents are in Florida right now which is why I made the goofy question about Florida.
Glad you guys had such a fun time! A winter carnival is a great idea - what a nice cure for cabin fever : )
Looks like a great day
LOL about the flower and the nail Polish..
I still can't get Little Man to flower in the potty.. we are doing great at liquid side of things but I'm not going out in underware for him until he gets the hang of flower. The nail polish thing happens all the time here with Little Man since he has two older sisters..
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