I haven't been tagged in awhile. I was tagged by both
Amy and
Chrissy for this one. Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger
2. List 7 Random/Weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 More people
4. Go to them and let them know they have been tagged.
I did this tag
once. But it might be fun to see what else I can come up with. It is kind of hard considering I just composed my 100th to post this weekend. I wonder what will come out of my brain as I think...
1. I am a somewhat picky sleeper. I can't sleep if there is any noise anywhere (including Steve's snoring). I also am unable to sleep in any mode of transportation. My husband, in contrast, sleeps in the car if we are traveling for more than a half hour ANYWHERE. Needless to say, it is ONE of the reasons that I always drive when we go places. But we won't go into that right now.
2. I am very bad at typing. When ever I type anything, I just randomly hit buttons and don't look at what I'm writing...yes, I am a glorified "hunt and packer." If it weren't for spell checker, I really would not be able to type anything. I am a good speller, just bad at typing.
3. I PLAYED today. We went to the park today after Noah got out of school. Shamefully, sometimes I sit and watch the kids play. Not today! Today, I was the troll in the Billy Goats Gruff. When Noah came to head butt me and push me off the bridge, I decided that instead of drowning,
I could turn into a beautiful princess. When you're the only female in a house of boys, it is your RIGHT to be a princess when the mood strikes you.
4. I am a pianist who HATES performing. Put me and my piano behind any vocalists, instrumentalists, or even with another pianist and I am in heaven. But solo...NO WAY. I suffer from performance anxiety to this day.
5. I am a nerd...first rate, all encompassing, complete and utter nerd. I wear the same clothes and hairstyle that I had in high school (with a little variance). I really have no style and that's okay with me. My mom used to call me a nerd the whole time I was growing up and I didn't realize it was true until after I was in college. By that time, it didn't matter anymore.
6. My husband and kids love me anyway.
7. If Noah had been a girl, his name would have been Holly. If Aaron had been a girl, his name would have been Leah. The middle name wold have been Eleanor either way, after my grandmother.
I know...not very interesting but it's the best I can do between listening to my husband run up and down the stairs a bazillion time to tell Aaron to be quiet and go to sleep.
I think everyone has done this one. The only person I know for sure who hasn't is
Beth. So tag, Beth, you're it.
Happy Thursday.