Here's a hint... she graduated high school at age 16 (I learned this today). In kindergarten, while all the others kids were learning what a letter was, she was reading stories to them to help her teacher out.
One day during that year, she got sent to the principal's office. She couldn't imagine what she had done wrong and was very worried. She was especially panicked when her parents were brought in and talked behind a closed door while she was waiting outside.
A short time later, she was brought to school and walked into a 2nd grade classroom...bypassing first altogether.
I asked her if she was ever sad about the situation being younger than the other kids. (She was beaming the whole time she told the story) and her answer was sooo positive. She said "Oh no, I had the best of both. I had TWO groups of friends...those of my grade and those of my age.."
Are you still working on that question? Let me help again (hee hee hee) Here she is walking into the restaurant with Noah and Aaron tonight. The
She has a larger social circle than pretty much anyone I know. She drives her own car everywhere (except not at night). She is better schooled in politics than any of us and prefers to watch the Chicago Bulls over any drama show on TV.
This is My Grandma. What age did you guess? I gather it was probably not 92!
This is the woman who bought my mother a piano just because her 7 year old grand daughter (me) wanted to learn how to play. She paid for my piano lessons all the way through high school and helped me throughout college with gas, and later rent while I was going to school.
Grandma always expected proper grammar. You KNEW you would never get away with anything incorrect around her, and to this day, each time I correct my boys, I hear my Grandma's voice.
You didn't fight in GRANDMA'S car. If you did, the car got pulled over. I also have taken to doing this when the boys are fighting in the car. At that time, the car was a '78 bright blue custom made Firebird with white leather interior. I still remember the day it was stolen out of the carport at her apartment. I was 9. She STILL gets sad when she talks about it.
She is still on her own with no outside help. She lives alone and plays the piano every day and still meets monthly with a group of women that she taught elementary school with 50 years ago (the few that are left).
For awhile, I had lost touch with her... life took over. We only live about an hour away...not far enough for any excuse other laziness. I owe it to her, the boys, and MYSELF to make a better effort to keep her active in our lives. Her stories are wonderful and we can all learn alot from her.
While we were driving to the restaurant tonight, she wanted to drive me past the cemetery plot she had purchased for herself 35 years ago. I am not sure why she felt she wanted me to see it but I know it was important to her. She shared a story about her baby she had lost and that he was buried just across the street from her plot. .
As we head into Easter tomorrow and celebrate the Our Risen Savior, I think of other rebirths. I look at my relationship with my Grandma as one these. I will continue to rebuild this relationship and share with the boys how important it is.
Happy Easter everyone and enjoy the day with your family, as I will as well. I'll see you Monday.
Oh Kristi, this is such a beautiful story! Your grandma sounds like an amazing woman and you are all so blessed! Happy Easter, I hope you have a lovely day!
Thank you for sharing your grandmother with us. She sounds like a truly amazing woman! I have not had any grandparents since I was in high school. You are so right to rebuild your relationship with her. I would give anything to have my grandparents back in my life!
Happy Easter.
You are so lucky to have such a close relationship with your grandma - I've always been envious of those who have grandparents since Donnie and I never really did. I'm glad that you had a good time today and no, I never would've guessed 92! :)
WoW!!! I would have never guessed that! She sounds like a awesome lady. Happy Easter!!! :o)
What an awesome grandma. I would have never in a million years guessed her age. I'm glad that you are rebuilding your relationship with her. She sounds like such a special woman.
Just found your blog and had to comment on this wonderful post. I also had wonderful relationships with my grandparents. Sadly only my mom's grandmother is still with us, but the two of us still have a wonderful relationship. I call her almost daily so that we can chat and she can speak to her great grandchildren. The three of them have such a wonderful relationship that it makes me cry at the sweetness of it.
Hug your grandma for me. She is one beautiful lady.
I loved this post. You grandma sounds like an amazing woman.
I love how in every picture, she has that beautiful smile... she sounds like quite the lady! I wouldn't have guessed 92 - she's definitely young at heart :)
I like her smile--
She seems to be positive about everything, what a blessing!
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