Having Beth here has opened my eyes to a few things. While they were here, Beth, Alex (6) and Dylan(4) all slept upstairs in the big room, Noah slept on the floor of the playroom on an air mattress and Aaron slept on the floor of our bedroom. Sounds cozy, huh?
Here's the funny thing. EVERYONE slept really well. Better than they ever have in any of our visitors throughout the years.
Especially Noah.
Noah has been better behaved this week than he has in AGES. At church last night, the Wednesday night teacher was BLOWN AWAY by how well behaved Noah was. I have mentioned before that Aaron is a very early riser. I think that Noah NEEDS way more sleep than what he has been getting. He has been the first one to sleep all week and slept WAY longer than he was. Actually, both of them have.
In conclusion, I think it is time for the experiment to come to an end. It is time to lose my dream of having the boys share a room to create harmony. If this is as big of a factor in Noah's behavior as I am suspecting, it may be worth spending yet ANOTHER day rearranging the rooms again. Also, now that we have doctor confirmation that no more babies will be gracing us with their presence, I no longer need to worry about a room for another baby.
I wondered how Noah would feel about this. He actually said, "Well, Mommy, I never liked being upstairs in the first place."
So began the project, yet again.
The boys actually helped this time. Noah stripped his bed for me and brought down his sheets. Both boys actually WANTED to help carry toys upstairs.
I ended up with a new bedroom for Noah:
And a mess upstairs. At least I didn't have to carry it all up by myself. They each got a quarter for helping.
I have now run out of energy and it's time to have lunch. At least the mess is upstairs and I can tackle it again later without it trickling throughout the main floor. I will let you know tomorrow how the experiment works tonight.
By the way...I maintained this week. Pretty good considering the candy overload. I made Steve take the rest to work so I can get back on track.
At least you had help this time! :D
Hope Noah continues to get some good sleep - and YAY FOR YOU maintaining while you had house-guests! That's impressive! :)
I think it's probably the best decision, especially given how early Aaron wakes up in the mornings. I hope it helps and they start sleeping better (more) for you! :)
I will be doing some room rearranging this summer. Right now Diva and MA share a room, but there is such an age difference and MA will be entering Jr. High next year that I think she needs a room to herself. So, Peanut and MA will share the big room and MA will get the smaller room. Peanut will probably still be in her crib, but I think it will work. At least I hope it will.
I hope it works out for the boys (and you).
It is good to try new things! SO glad everyone slept during the visit! That makes all the difference!
What a cool room that is--the one they were sharing. But I think its a great idea to try new arrangements...we will be going that route soon when #3 arrives!
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