I would like to send this to many people who I try to visit often so that you all know how important each of you are and how much I enjoy your writing. So thank you to the following people for sharing the love.
Hip Mama Blog, A Bushel and a Peck, A Daisy a Day, A Madison Mom, Abba Stories, Adventures of Mommyhood, Big Binder, Bits and Pieces, Elijah's Adventures, From Talbots To Target, From the Cheap Seats, Gabi's World, I'm a Drama Mama, In the Life of a Child, Ladybug Crossing,. Laughadaisy, Life With Two, Quiet Chaos, Loves Flowers, Margerie's Blog, Mimi's Toes, Mindless Chatter of a Busy Mom, Mom Knows Everything, Mom of 3, mom to3cubs, My joyful Life as Momma and Wife, My Life With Boys, My Three Wisemans, Not for Profit, but for Joy, Oh Me Oh My My Wonderful Men, Ree Writes, Sons are a Heritage from the Lord, Summer's Nook, Super mom, Mother Load, Goat Rodeo, Three Weddings, Adventures of Scarlet O'Kara, Toddlebits, Dad of Divas
Have a great Tuesday.
Thank you so much! What a wonderful and sweet award! :o)
Thank you, I am honored! I really enjoy your blog too. My new motto is bloggers have more fun!
I wish I had blogging when my boys were younger. What a wonderful journal!
how sweet are you? Super Sweet!
Yeah, I needed that today. Thank you, Kristi!
Thanks Kristi!
awwww... thanks!
You made my day.
Thanks Kristi...my first award! I am honored...
Thanks Kristi! I'm feeling the love already
Thanks so much! Organ donation is very important, I've been a donar since high school.
Thank you!! I love it :) I also think it's a 'sign', as I have been meaning to sign up for organ donation and keep forgetting to go online and do it. So thank you for the reminder too!!
Cool, thank you this is the 2nd time this week I got this one.. I'll post it monday if I remember to do post in advace before I leave on vacation.
What a precious gift her son received. Thank you for "Sharing the love" with me. :)
Oh, you are so sweet for Sharing The Love!
How special, Sharing the Love. I fully believe in Organ Donation. This made my day...Thank you...
Now how special do I feel today! Not only did I just list my 100th post, but I also get an award from you! That is one of the bestest gifts ever! Its my first blogging award and I will cherish it (and you forever). Now if I could just remember how to list it on my sidebar...:~)
I especially enjoy the fact that is has something to do with Organ Donation. That has always been a cause that I enjoy helping. Just wish that I was still allowed to donate...:~(
Awwww, thanks Kristi! I feel the same about you :)
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