Newborn Noah sleeps (2002)

Sleepy Newborn Aaron (2004)
Cousin Olivia (2 days old) and Baby Noah (10 weeks) meet for the first time and fall asleep

Cousin Jamie and Baby Aaron tuckered out on Grandpa's boat.
I think this is the first brother picture we have of two year old Noah holding Sleeping Aaron on New Year's Day 2005. Look at that smile!
Aaron sleeping with Daddy
Aaron sleeping with Mommy (wrapped in a Woobie, of course)
Noah at 3 years old after long day of vacationing in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. I loved the grip on the tube, even in his sleep.
After a quick walk around the block, Steve turned around one night and found Aaron sound asleep in the wagon.
Sometimes they're too tired to even wait until they get all the way on
Super tired boys after a week in St. Louis
Even at five years old (six next week), they STILL look cute when they asleep. Look at Noah snuggle his "buddy"
Once in awhile, it's even fun to pretend to go to sleep if it means you can drag all of the bedding from both bedrooms into the living room for the sake of fun.
Happy snoozing tonight.
Aw, cute! I love that one with Noah holding sleeping Aaron with the big grin on his face! Too cute. It's great that you can see them grow-up in these photos. Wonderful TT!
Great snoozing pictures!
how sweet! kids fall asleep in the cutest positions! love the couch baby nap, that's my favorite.
These are precious!
Those are great!
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a collection of my own that look scarily similar...
I think I need a nap after this one!
The Pink Flamingo
I love those! Especially the ones I haven't seen before. So sweet - I love sleeping photos! :)
Awwww....Babies are so sweet when they're asleep!
Who knew sleeping could look so good?
Your children are adorable!
Have a great day!
I wish I could just drop whenever I get too tired....
Good sleep is wonderful! And the good thing about baby/child sleep is that mommy gets a little break, too!
Those are cute pictures, but I don't think this was the post for me to read today because I am SOOOO tired and now, nothing's changed.
Awwww. I miss my babies. They grow up way too fast. Great pics and great memories.
Happy TT!
Very Cute pictures... I wish that I could say that Diva-PJ liked to sleep on her own! Great talking to you last night and hope the dinner turned out!
very cute.. sleeping in the wagon looks comfy LOL.. always makes me giggle to find the places that the kids could fall asleep.
Great T13
this is such a beautiful post!!
Mines up as well!
Hubbys having a give away at his blog at
Hope you will visit us both!
So beautiful! The wagon is my favorite!
Terrific photos! I love the one of the proud big brother showing off the baby for the camera. What a moment you captured! (Thanks for visiting my TT)
Adorable! G-d Bless the wee ones.
Wonderful 13. Mine is Eat, Drink and be Merry - 13 Last Words, Excerpt: Judaism instructs us to enjoy the simple gifts that God gives in the present world. Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy this life, on this Earth, in this time. I have collected for your enjoyment the last words of some of our more famous fellow human beings involving food or drink before they died.
There is nothing more adorable then pictures of sleeping children!
Yawning baby pictures are wonderful!
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