2) ...do I take longer and longer showers every morning, making the water hotter and hotter?
3) ...am I the only lunch mom that stops the boys from using their spoons to
sling shot food across the room?
4) ...can't I sleep more than two hour stretches?
5) ...can't almost 4 year old Aaron sleep more than two hour stretches?
6) ...is Steve willing to load the dishwasher without complaint for 12 years and going strong?
7) ...do I like chocolate chip cookie DOUGH better than the cookie?
8) ...do I get so stressed that I am not accomplishing enough each day during this three hour window of time while Aaron is at preschool?
9) ...did I patch three spots with grass seed and only get results in one?
10) ...is swinging the only activity Aaron wants to do when he plays outside?
11) ...doesn't Noah enjoy reading when he is so good at it?
12) ...can't I get the stinkin' settings on my printer right?
13) ...do the cats INSIST on sitting with the boys every time they are put in time out?
Just wondering...

Hilarious. ISome of life's mysteries. Your family photos are awesome! Looks and sounds like the kids keep you busy. The cats sitting with the time outs is so funny.
Here is my list
I think #4 answers #3...
13 pics from the 2008 Canada Outdoor Farm Show
i'm with you on #7! chocolate chip cookie tastes sooo good. . .
Well I'm a guy so I am not supposed to have the answers to these questions. LOL! Great TT!
My TT is up here.
Why won't the cat stop chewing on my hair? Please if you now the answer...share it with me.
Great list.
The Pink Flamingo
Well...I wish I had the answers for you. They will remain a mothers mystery;) Happy TT.
I've been wondering about #1 myself lately...
And a few other of those sound familiar as well. Although I am still extremely jealous of #6! :)
I'd guess that 5 explains 4, and as for 7, it's obvious - because it's BETTER :-).
Well, the general answer is .... just because! And unforunately we can't change it ;) Though #2 might be due to the upcoming winter.
Happy TT and greets Julia
Great post and #13 cracks me up!
Nice post...it's been awhile since I've commented. Love all of the one's...especially #7!!!
Those are all very, VERY good questions...LOL!
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