5. Bike Race in downtown GR. I will post the story on Friday. I have too many pictures to post now.
4. Stopping at the Children's museum after the race for an hour or so to play.
Noah the construction worker
3. Bike ride to the ice cream store...not many of these left for this summer...take advantage of them as long as we can.
2. After church picnic.. Aaron won a plate full of brownies that are being devoured at a very rapid rate all day Sunday.
1. Debut performance of the hand bells in our church. I actually figured out how to put it on You Tube too. Pretty snazzy computer work, eh?
I actually struggled to figure out 5 things from this weekend. We must be the most boring people in the blogosphere this weekend.
What are your top five?

Sometimes it's nice to be boring once in a while. Much less stressful.
LOL - talk about boring, I slept for just about 20 hours straight last night and today. And I'm still tired, go figure. :)
Love the handbells - you all did an awesome job!
Can't wait to hear how the bike race went!
Your handbell group did a terrific job!! When are you taking them on the road??
1. Sleep in past 6:30 am!
2. Spending some time with just my kids.
3. Starting confirmation class up again.
4. Watching a movie with my daughter...our mom/daughter time.
5. Did I mention not having to watch up to an alarm clock? LOL
I love love love the construction worker outfit!
Our performance was my first highlight!! We rocked--thanks Kristi:)
You did a wonderful job with the bells. Sounds like a fun weekend over all.
Snazzy computer work??? That was some snazzy bell choir work!
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