So, here it is...Monday again. Lately I have been struggling to think of five interesting things we did within the weekend. I didn't struggle so much this time. We kept pretty busy.
5. Child Safety and Fire Safety Day
Steve discovered on the computer Friday night that there would be a safety day at the children's museum for a few hours on Saturday. Well of course we NEVER pass an opportunity to go to the children's museum.
There was a firetruck and ambulance for the kids to sit in and explore and a lot of rescue exhibits. The neatest one was an imaginary house. In the kitchen was a tic tac toe game where the kids could identify items that were potential fire hazards
and then through the door was another room with a pretend bedroom and an actual fire alarm on the wall. The boys would lie down on the bed and practice different techniques of what to do if there was a fire. They practiced crawling instead of walking and also feeling a door to see if it is hot
but my most proud moment was when the fire fighter told Noah to have a meeting place if there was a fire and even though it has probably been six months since Noah and I talked about it, he still remembered that our meeting point was the fire hydrant a couple of houses away.
And related to #5..
4. Fun with Cousins
About five minutes after we walked in the door, Aaron came running up to me shouting "Mommy, my friend Jamie is here!" Sure enough, my sister had brought her kids to the museum as well and the kids were so excited to play together. All of the boys hugged each other when they first saw each other.
All 4 boys "treating" a patient in the pretend ambulance
3. Mommy/ Daddy Date night
As I've mentioned before, we like to periodically split up with each of us taking one boy and doing something one on one. I think the boys cherish this time as much as we do. So Steve took Noah to Wall E (for the second time thanks to a gift card Noah was given at church a few weeks ago...thanks Jen) and I took Aaron to the toy store.
I had an ulterior motive. Aaron's birthday is in a few weeks and we have no idea what he wants. So though I would take him and take pictures of things he wanted like I did with Noah. It was a bit less successful than Noah's.
Aaron and the jack in the box he wouldn't put down for 20 minutes
2. Apple Orchard with grandparents
I warned you the pictures were coming...
After church on Sunday, we drove about an hour northwest to an orchard that we hadn't been to before. We didn't tell the boys that Steve's parents would be there too. They were very excited to see them waiting when they got out of the car. The visit was PACKED with activities...
feeding the goats
Noah on his pony ride
Aaron picks apples
they both loved the big tube slide
especially climbing up on top
They even got mommy down the slide
wagon ride to the pumpkin patch...I love this smile on Noah's face
there were a ton of other activities too, but #2 got a little long
1. Tackle that will take several days (or weeks) to finish.
I won't share any pictures yet, but after six years of living in a REALLY yucky kitchen, it is time to do something about it. So after I put the boys to bed Sunday night, I started the first wall of painting. It really is going to take quite awhile and I don't want to share pictures until the entire thing is done. So hopefully mid-October, there will be one heck of a Tackle It Tuesday post.
Believe it or not, this is just a smattering of pictures from this weekend. I actually downloaded over 100 shots (after erasing probably 50 more)
As always, I wish you would share your top five with me. I also wish I could finally learn (hint, hint...Deb) how to do a Mr. Linky for weekend posts like KC did. It is such a fun idea.
Happy Monday!

Oh sounds like a fun weekend! Much more so than ours, but we had lots of fun with Grandma here.
Do you want to get together some night this week after kids are in bed?
What a busy week-end!
Will you be buying a Jack in the Box any time soon? LOL!!!
That picture with the pumpkins is PRICELESS!!!
How old is Aaron gonna be and when is his birthday? We have got 4 of our 5 kids with birthdays coming up! Jeremy (Oct 1st, 16!!) and Anthony's (Oct 2nd, 12) are this week. Gabi is Novemeber 1st (9!!), and Preston December 22nd (2 yrs)!
You guys were busy...but looks like a lot of fun!! I can't wait until we take our trip/s to the apple orchards. That is one of my favorite memories:)
Wow you guys had a busy weekend. It looks like a lot of fun! We had a quiet weekend, just hung out at home. It was a nice treat to be able to do that.
you guys had a crazy fun weekend.. Glad you had so much fun.
Looks like a very good time.
We went to the wedding and had a great time! I also did some shopping and got my hair done!
Your top five looks like a ton of fun!
I love the pumpkin patch and the children's musuem. I'm glad you had fun!
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