This was today's For Better Or For Worse Comic. Steve actually stopped me to read it because it is me way too often. It is kind of funny when art imitates life.
Double Click on it to read the captions more clearly
You and I are so much alike. I read it too and then looked at my beautiful girls and cried...because I think that I raise my voice and / or lose my "cool" too often.
Maybe I just need to be more like the Mom in the IKEA commercial and put myself into Time Out in my bedroom with my laptop?!?!
I have been there done that... and oh, what a feeling I don't like...
But~ you can also wake up those precious boys in the morning and say, I love you very much and I am sorry I yelled at you before you went to sleep-- but it's my job to get you to rest and you weren't following my directions.Can you pray for me, and forgive me?
when I was a kid, my parents never apologized EVER and I always promised myself that I would to my kids -- so that they could see I wasn't perfect--
I felt the same when my kids were younger...I agree with stacey, though. If you feel like you were unfairly upset with them, just explain and apologize sincerely. Kids are so forgiving. Plus you are setting the example, then, for what you want them to learn.
I used to get so frustrated I thought my head was going to explode. I did give myself time outs. I needed to. (At work, I call them breaks. LOL)
SAHMs are under lots of pressure. It sure isn't like kicking back, watching a little TV and eating bonbons all day.
This is my first week of being laid off, so I've been watching babycakes, and I am exhausted. Holding down the home front is the real work. Going to "work" at my job is a cakewalk compared to this.
This is too funny!! Thanks for sharing this!!
You and I are so much alike. I read it too and then looked at my beautiful girls and cried...because I think that I raise my voice and / or lose my "cool" too often.
Maybe I just need to be more like the Mom in the IKEA commercial and put myself into Time Out in my bedroom with my laptop?!?!
Hi Kristi,
Thanks to visit my blog :D You have nice blog and wonderful children. Nice to meet you here.
Yep, especially with Abby lately. Sigh...
After reading this I really want to give my girls a hug but I can't until tonight. :(
This is most moms not just you. In the world we live in today we were not equipped to do everything we have to do.
I have been there done that... and oh, what a feeling I don't like...
But~ you can also wake up those precious boys in the morning and say, I love you very much and I am sorry I yelled at you before you went to sleep-- but it's my job to get you to rest and you weren't following my directions.Can you pray for me, and forgive me?
when I was a kid, my parents never apologized EVER and I always promised myself that I would to my kids -- so that they could see I wasn't perfect--
I feel that way A LOT of the time. That was so cute- thanks for sharing!
I thought the same thing when I looked at it yesterday morning. I'm working on doing better, but frequently slip back into those old habbits.
I felt the same when my kids were younger...I agree with stacey, though. If you feel like you were unfairly upset with them, just explain and apologize sincerely. Kids are so forgiving. Plus you are setting the example, then, for what you want them to learn.
I used to get so frustrated I thought my head was going to explode. I did give myself time outs. I needed to. (At work, I call them breaks. LOL)
SAHMs are under lots of pressure. It sure isn't like kicking back, watching a little TV and eating bonbons all day.
This is my first week of being laid off, so I've been watching babycakes, and I am exhausted. Holding down the home front is the real work. Going to "work" at my job is a cakewalk compared to this.
Oh boy do we all have days like this!!!
This is definitely me!!
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