1/2. First/Last days of school (Doesn't he look so much older in the second one?)
3. Christmas Concert (3rd from right)
4. Musical chairs (Noah's in blue)
5. First girl fr
6. Aaron drawing on
7. Handing out valentines (remember the pink cast?)
8. Mother's Day gift he made all week at school
9. Walking in for "graduation"
10. The graduating class of 2008 (3rd from left)
11. With his teacher
12. After opening his end of the year present from his teacher, he stripped down in the middle of the class and put it on...a tee shirt with his whole class picture and name on the back. Complete with hi "horse stance".
13. Each student got an individual award along with their certificate. Noah's was the "Outstanding Reader Award". He loved looking at his awards with the "gold letters"
I can't believe my baby boy is now officially a first grader. Wow how time flies.
Happy Thursday.
Aww, congratulations to him!!
My youngest will finish kindergarten on June 6th. I haven't heard anything about a graduation or ceremony for the kindergartners.
He's very excited about going to first grade.
I'll miss kindergarten!
Nice review you posted!
I'm so proud of him. He looks so grown up. I can't believe our boys are going to be big first graders next year.
I still remember when Noah was born...it is hard to believe that he will be in 1st grade next year. I think that must mean we are getting old! Congratulations Noah - Keep up the great work!
You gave me a great idea! I never thought to take a picture on the last day of shcool so I could see the difference. He has become all grown up!
Jake enters Kindergarten in the fall and I can hardly believe it! 1st grade seems a lifetime away...
Awwwww how sweet! The pictures brought back memories of when my kids graduated kindergarten. Keep taking lots of pictures, it goes so fast!
What a great school year in review!
Thanks for sharing--brought back the memories. Time does fly. My babies now have their own babies.
Wow, look how much he's grown this year! I love the cap and gown graduation pictures. :)
SNIFF SNIFF.. WOW can't believe kindergarten went by so quickly..
I still can't believe My Sweet Pea is in her last week of Kindergarten either..
Great T13
OH and btw I love the girlfriend picture holding hands and wearing some what matching outfits already.. LOL
Wonderful Post!
Just last night my hubby was reminding me that it was almost June-- I about fainted June already???
Where has this year gone?
You know it is wonderful to see the progression a child makes in just one year.
Happy TT, Hope you'll visit my 34th T13...Weird Word Verifications" at The Cafe.
Time really does fly. I can't believe how much he changed from the beginning to the end of school. He is so handsome!
How precious! He did mature a lot during his Kindergarten year!
Time does fly! I am dreading the day I have to send my little boy off to kindergarten...(hope he quits biting by then....LOL!)
Congrats to your little grad...
My "baby" graduates high school in a week! It goes so fast.
Don't blink, even once.
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