The first one I was kind of embarrassed for. I was honored to receive this award from Melissa at Life With Two this week. The reason I was embarrassed is because the day I received it, I had written a downer of a post. I try not to do them too often andI thank Melissa for seeing past that and still bestowing it upon me.

I would like to pass it on Jennifer at Sons are a Heritage from the Lord, because she shared a beautiful picture of her new baby girl last week and it made me smile. It is fun to imagine her with pick in her house after having three boys. It is going to be fun to see what her blog name will be changed to.
I also received this award from Chris at Dad of Divas. Chris is an old friends that we don;t see very much an dI enjoy watching his two girls grow up through pictures on his blog.

I will pass this one on to Shannon at Gabi's World for making it through six weeks withoout her daughter and her wonderful job of conveying the journey with her blog.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Congrats on the awards!
Awww Thanks!
I don't have the slightest idea how to make a button, or how to be clever with what to call it, but I just want to give you an "I genuinely love reading your blog" award.
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