I LOVE this new header for Thursday Thirteen, courtesy of Phoenix through the Thursday Thirteen Host Site. Check it Out.
Anyway, on to this week's business. I am quite sure this will be a popular topic but I still thought it was kind of cool. I discovered the "fireworks" setting on my camera but never knew how to use it. I decided to experiment with it last Friday and ended up with some neat shots.
It was kind of a struggle because Aaron doesn't really like fireworks and was trying to hide in my shirt the whole time. I finally had to pass him off to hubby in order to get some good shots.
Can you say, "skewed priorities?"
I just noticed when I previewed this post that there are only 12. I must have missed one in the transfer. Let's call that double on 2, shall we?
You know...I seen someone taking pics of the fireworks and I thought it was kinda silly. Now, after looking at your pics, its actually very cool. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)
Those are unique shots! #2 is really cool, and #3 reminds me of a Lily. #5 is a jellyfish. #6 is the sun. #9 reminds me of an insect or spider. #8 and #11 are dandelions. And the last one looks just like an orange ball my boys have!
Thanks for sharing :)
Very kewl. They'd make nice wallpaper for the computer. Happy T13!
Those are some good shots! My firework shots did not come out very well at all. Yours are great!
I love how yours came out! That fireworks setting is very cool. :)
What a fun setting! Great photos!
To quote my son,
"k--narley and stu pend ious ! "
Very nice!
my camera is not working right so I didn't get any pictures of fireworks..--
So, thanks!
wow...great shots
My T13 in here
Very Cool Picuters!!!kim
These are great shots! Looks like y'all enjoyed a great display!
Mine is musical. Do stop by.
Very, very cool!
I love these ! I posted one yesterday that looks like a flower.
Very cool pictures! I love fireworks and trying to capture interesting aspects of the colors... as you probably saw on my WW! Thanks for sharing and great talking to you yesterday!
Thanks for stopping by :-)
I love the 4th. Everything about it. Last year I tried to get pics but they didn't turn out so good. Yours look great!
Wonderful pictures. I did not get to see any big fire works this year. They are beautiful.
Looks like we both need a tripod!
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
(AKA Peter Plum at VeggieTales Review)
Ok, I'm jealous that my camera dosen't have a fireworks setting. Our fireworks were Thursday night and the whole stinking time I tried to take one good picture. What kind of camera do you have?? I want a new one:)
Nice post and pics...love all of them!
Beautiful & definitely printable & frameable!! The last time I tried to take a pic of fireworks I got nothing but black sky.
Great photos...will have to look on my camera to find that feature.
This is such a good idea for a TT. I love to take pictures of events like fireworks shows, and I always feel like everyone else thinks I'm being silly - but yours show how fun it can be! Unfortunately, I missed all the shows on the 4th this year. Thanks for stopping by.
Lucy (http://www.slackingoverachiever.blogspot.com)
wow! those are really great!
I think #5 and #6 are my favorites because they look a bit like jellyfish, and there's something delightful about seeing sea creatures in the sky. Thanks for sharing (and thanks for visiting my TT).
Those are so cool!!!
Cool Shots! Do you have one of those fireworks settings on your camera too? I read on another blog that they did and their photos were alot like yours.
And I go get my girl Sunday! Yayyyyy!
You got some great shots!! I took firework shots and was happy with them for the first time!!
Loved your fireworks shots, Kristi! We had an amazing time at our city's fireworks show this July 4th too.
Noah and Aaron are adorable. I used to have two little boys like that...but somehow Jonathan and Justin grew up and are 28 and 25! Treasure those little-boy days!
Hope you'll visit my TT when you can. :)
Awesome pics!!! How cool you have a "fireworks" setting on your camera!
I love the pics. Mine did not come out so well.
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