Well, let's see. It's been almost a week now since that little intruder came to MY house. I don't know if that little ball of fur is staying, but he sure does get a lot of attention. But I'm not standing idly by. I have had a few thoughts as I wait for the alien to go away.
1. I won the first showdown while th
2. I'm going to use HIS litter
3. I'm going to steal HIS toy th
4. I am going to hide downstairs and pout, even when Daddy comes down to pet me
5. I wonder how long until the alien leaves...what if he never does?
6. Just because I don't like to snuggle with Mommy, doesn't mean that the alien can.
7. I'm going to eat his food
8. Why does he keep playing with people toys
9. I wonder if he misses his brothers, sisters and mommy
10. He really is cute. Do you suppose I am experiencing the loss of childhood, watching this silly thing play around?
11. M
12. Why does he keep trying to get near me, like I'm going to be his friend. He got all the way to touching my paws today before I hissed at him. Maybe I'm getting more tolerant...nah!
13. Why did they bring him home? Don't they love me anymore?
P.S. Mommy requests any suggestions for how to make me get along with my new baby brother. I guess I would like that, too.
Great post Minnie! Hang in there...just remember, you can always blame things that happen on your more hyper younger housemate!
I feel for you, Minnie, but if you think a kitten is bad, try having your mommy ditch you for a human baby. I've never recovered. It used to be me she crooned to, and now I'm banished to the back yard.
My advice? Show her who is boss. Establish that pecking order pronto, and things will be just fine.
~The Frump Family Dog, Raisin Mulan
cute post
Kittens are cute. Just watch then around the wee ones. They are temper mental and have been known to suffocate babies due to jealousy.
My 34th TT is up: 13 comments you can make to your physician while he's performing a colonoscopy on you. Here's the link.
Very cute! It looks like your kitties will be great friends one day!
Very Cute post, I think your kitten is cute! Kim
Love the captions...love the very first photo, and the last...looks like it's close to actually BEING best buds. Close...but not yet.
PURRRRRfect 13.
Happy T-13...hope your day treats you well. Come on by if you can find time, this week Jefé's back with her Thursday Humor...........
Kittens must be one of the cutest things on earth. Don't worry they will get along soon.
So cute, loved all those pics
Hi Minnie! I hope that Pumpkin is having fun at your house. You'll have to show him all of the ropes - the best places to hide and the most comfy sleeping spots. His Mommy and sisters miss him, but they know that he's having fun in his new home. I hope that you and he will become good friends! Having a kitty buddy means that you'll have a playmate and a friend to snuggle with. :)
Tell your Mommy thank you for sharing pictures of Pumpkin - it's fun to see how he's doing over there!
Aww, they're both so adorable! When I brought home my kitten, my older cat hid out for weeks and never wanted to come out. After a while, they started getting along but they've never really snuggled or gotten THAT close. They fight occasionally but nothing bad. I have read in Cat Fancy that you should rub the scent of each cat onto the other one to help them get used to each other. Strange concept, but maybe it will work for you. I hope things calm down in the cat life soon!
Oh dear. Never easy to get a new sibling, is it? Hang in there!
- Celticlibrarian
This post was too cute! It is hard to introduce a kitten to an established kitty-cat. I've done it. My only advice is to take it slowly. It looks like you are doing that already! Keep us posted!!
lol this post is way to cute. oh and I love the WW one also.
maybe the older one will come around and let you cuddle him/her and then you can take both in your arms... oh what do I know, I don't have a cat! :)
Aw, a cute list! Both cats are adorable! I hope they can adjust to each other.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
Happy Thursday!
Angel, our older cat, says, "Just ignore him...
Really... It's easy. Well, not really, but if you ignore the little runt eventually it will grow up and you'll be able to stand to be in the same room and not want to rip it's lips off. And you can do stuff that the humans don't like = they blame it on the runt every single time. I know this. I've done stuff. They haven't caught on yet!"
What a cute post and the pictures are sweet.
Dear Minnie,
This is Melissa, Margerie's cat. I too got a little monster, I mean little brother a month ago. After about 2 weeks you will feel better. I just give him a drive-by hissing every now and then to tell him I am still top cat. Make sure your mom has a few spots set up for you that the little bugger can't get to. I like my cat bed on top of the dresser. I can even give him the stink eye from up there. I think he will be my buddy someday.
Best of luck,
Melissa Kitty
What an engaging TT! I loved the pictures of the cats. I love cats but my hubby is terribly allergic to them. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Army Mom
How cute! Minnie will adjust eventually. I still feel like I have to step in and rescue Kayla if Tucker gets too rough, but she usually just finds a spot to hide if it gets to be too much for her.
Have fun!
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