You love to laugh and love to play
I could watch you smile all day
You love your friends
You love your cat
you love your me on that
You love doing crafts
Or playing a game
You are so active and rarely seem tame
You show love in fun ways like a hug or a kiss
or saying kind words when some thing's amiss
You are our snuggler and always remember
Mom and Dad will keep hugging, in May or December
You love to dance and sing so well
You can do anything I can just tell
You learn so much each day you grow
and there are always more things you wish to know
Science amazes that strong mind of yours
volcanoes, space, cicadas and more
You learned how to read and write so clearly
Do you have any idea, I l love you so dearly?
When you are sad it makes me sad too
but when you are proud your joy shines through
Are you really that tiny baby boy I once knew?
Who could have known how quickly years flew?

I fed you and bathed you and tickled your belly
Now I spend days making PB and jelly
You could be anything you dream of someday
I wish you the best and each night I pray
For the very best blessings that life can provide
just always remember that God will guide
Happy 6th Birthday my Special Angel
What a special poem and special day...beautiful tribute Kristi! Happy Birthday Noah! Enjoy the day!!!!
What a cool poem and photo montage!
Kristi, that was so beautiful! Happy Birthday Noah!
Happy birthday to the big 6 year's gone fast, huh?
That was beautiful and a great tribute to your not so little *snif* boy. Why do they have to grow up so fast? Happy Birthday, Noah!
What a precious present for your son!
Hope the skies stay blue all day for you!
I had to come over to wish him a Happy Birthday! I knew today was his bday! I hope it's a great one!
Happy Birthday Noah and happy 4th of July!
Happy Birthday to Noah...and Happy Fourth of July to your family!
I love your 'ode'! And with all the pictures - what a perfect birthday tribute. Happy Birthday, Noah! :)
Love the poem and the pictures! That was great!
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