I launched into quite the stern lecture against all of those parents who force their kids to take off the training wheels before they were ready.
Guess who was ready?
And here he is sharing the big news with Daddy.
Now see here, Mr. Noah!
I know you're proud, but would you slow down and stay a kid for a little longer PLEASE?
My daughter is 8 and we were forced to remove the training wheels. It had to be done. She, however, has abandoned her bike for the heel-toe express.
Do you know that my son (will be 5 in Sept) asked me just yesterday to take his training wheels off??
And I thought of your post from before, that I was right to wait until he is ready; then I read this post today! Must be training wheel karma or something.
Good gosh...I tell you I cannot believe this...wasn't it only yesterday that he was born...I mean geez... I guess I'm getting a bit old! Congrats Noah...good job!
What a great job Noah!
Yea for Noah! Would you believe Dylan at 4 is now begging me to take his training wheels off. See me crying and saying I"m not ready! He's my baby!
He was SO ready - the way he just took right off with it... We'll see how Abby and Hannah do, if they get motivated to want theirs off now too. :)
Oh, wow! What a day! I just love that look on his face while he's calling his dad - priceless :D
Yay, Noah!
How exciting, way to go Noah!
What????? He is riding without training wheels? How did that happen?
That's awesome! Congratulations to him :)
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